Handicapped Crusaders Non-profit 501 c (3) Serving individuals with a disability

Mission Statement
Handicapped Crusaders provides
and social experiences to members with disabilities ages 21+.
The program is dependent upon volunteers and community support.
Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month September through June, at
Faith Reformed Church
Faith Reformed Church
479 Stonybrook Drive
Levittown pa 19055
We provide a social outlet away from family and caregivers for our members to experience and independent recreation time in their lives.
We provide a mixed blend of entertainment actives as well as educational speakers for services and help available for their individual needs and support.

Some of our favorites are:
Buckaroos Square Dancing Club, Courtney Christmas Carolers, Christmas Party, Contemporary Music Group, DJ Ann for our Hawaiian Luau, and our annual talent show and sports day.
Buckaroos Square Dancing Club, Courtney Christmas Carolers, Christmas Party, Contemporary Music Group, DJ Ann for our Hawaiian Luau, and our annual talent show and sports day.